Art is Resistance

I haven’t written a blog post in a while because everytime I’d go to write one, it’d turn into a rant. The world definitely feels like it’s a $hit-show right now, and one more blog post about that fact isn’t going to change anything. So I just didn’t write anything. But now what?

Art is Resistance Poster from Nine Inch Nails Wiki

There was talk on several panels at WesterCon last week, and I was reminded of it again last night,  that Art IS Resistance. That really struck a chord with me, mostly because while I’d love to go out to protests, big crowds get to me, so I end up staying home and feeling guilty.  But I shouldn’t feel guilty.  I am doing something to resist. I’m writing. I’m writing tarot descriptions that will hopefully help people feel better about themselves and their lives, or spur them on to make changes if they aren’t. And I’m writing stories about people resisting the evil in the world. Even if those stories don’t inspire someone to go out and protest or campaign for change, they provide entertainment, and a break from the real world. And we all need a break – even if it’s just for an hour.

And speaking of breaks, I’ve started skimming FB posts. If they’re long, I’m probably not going to read them. I just don’t have the bandwidth anymore. I’ll watch the kitten and puppy videos and the flaminco dancers, but that’s about it. I’m glad people are speaking out about all the unspeakable things going on, but I’ve reached my limit. I’m tapping out – for now.  I’ll get back into it, but I need some time away.

Instead of watching cable news, my husband and I are watching Queer Eye on Netflix. 90% of the time, we’re crying by the end, but they’re happy tears. The Fab 5 have renewed our faith that there is some good in humanity.  I think we’re happier staying away from the constant bombardment of crap, and by watching something like Queer Eye, we’re countering all those basement dwelling trolls who think LGBTQ and POC led shows aren’t worth producing. They say be the change you want to see in the world. And I say, watching positive shows, buying the art of resistance and reading the same, is just as important. Put your money and your streaming time where your heart is.

Support art in any of its forms. Support resistance.

You can help support the resistance by checking out my books and leaving me a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Thanks!

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